That’s why things like animated GIFs and the use of certain media queries work in some versions of Outlook, but not in the Windows desktop versions. When I needed to create preview link feature, I found a lot of misleading or outdated information on this topic.I have also uninstalled and re-installed Acrobat Reader. Click the Back button or the Options header at the top.

Preview text is the bit of text below or next to an email’s subject line in the inbox and gives extra insight into what’s inside the email.To disable Live Preview in Outlook, go to File, Options, General uncheck Enable Live Preview.To use the Translator for Outlook add-in, you must first enable it on your Outlook email account. At the top of the page, select > Options or Mail. Type your link with the variable inside the body of the e-mail. Select the Preview links in email check box to turn Link Preview back on.

Hope, this article will save you a lot of time figuring out how to build this feature with open-source libraries in any back-end language. The hyperlink is basically a link, image, text, or graphic that links one document to the other document.