Stewie's levels resemble a shoot 'em up like Galaga or Space Invaders, but also with similarities to games like the Futurama video game.

Peter begins and ends the game as himself.

(Automaton Nuclear Neo-human Android), played in that order. Peter's alter egos are Rufus Griffin, Hooker Peter and A.N.N.A. In addition, depending on the player's progression through the game, Peter will adopt a different persona as a result of head trauma, giving his attacks different animations but otherwise similar results. In Peter's levels, the player rampages across a section of town, attacking anyone and anything in his path. Peter's levels have a beat 'em up style, similar to Final Fight, Streets of Rage and Double Dragon. Each character has his own unique style of play. Peter and Stewie have eight levels, while Brian has six. The game is split into 22 levels for the three playable characters: Peter, Stewie or Brian. Stewie using his mind control on Death in the "Hospital Madness Part Deux" level.